Monday, February 27, 2012

"First Round Draft Pick--

Elefante"…Is the name I wanted to give my first son, but seeing as I am not really like
that, and I don't have a son, I decided to title the song it instead. I have been inspired
by the recent hope that RG3 will be the 'Skins first pick…maybe this will nudge him
in the right direction? Also, life is good and I consider this the icing on the cake for my
application into b-school. Pick ME! C'mon! I'm your first choice, right?!?!

Seriously folks, I made this song in less than one day. Actually, I completed the whole thing
in 4 hours. I straight ad-libed the vocals…which gives the song its charm. My first
listeners have called it soul. However you vibe with it…it should put a smile on your face,
which is why music is the coolest!

The music video will be on YouTube ASAP...

First Round Draft Pick

Written & Produced by N. Elefante

Performed by N. Elefante & Y. Ferdinando

Peace & Love